April 16, 2013

Managing Mobile Contest Lucky Draws and Sweepstakes

Customers have been using Qryptal for running contests for quite sometime. Here is a photo taken inside a supermarket for a very popular contest from 2012:

We have applied what we have learned from these contests and recently made it even easier to create and manage such contests.

For consumers, entering the contest was always easy with Qryptal (including providing proof of purchase).

The recent improvements are about making life easier for the contest organizer running draws once the contest closes. So easy that you could be running contest draws in minutes. All this with reporting and audit trails to help you comply with your company and/or local regulations (you will need to check those on your own though).

Let's consider an example to understand all this better.

Example Background:
You are running a weekly contest. Consumers scan the contest QR Codes, fill a mobile form to enter the contest. Say every Wednesday you would run the draw to pick 2 winners for entries received during the previous week.

Contest rollout steps:

  1. Create a mobile form that consumers fill to enter the contest. Typically consumers would reach this mobile form by scanning a QR Code. Other rollout options could be SMS/Text, NFC tags or direct URL links.
  2. Create some collateral (posters, flyers etc) with the QR Code to explain the contest.
  3. Put up this collateral at various points of sale: supermarket refrigerators, posters, advertisements etc (you can have tracking codes to track entries by partner/location etc)

Now contest entries would start rolling in and soon it would be Wednesday when you need to run the draw.

Running the weekly draw:

  1. Go to the Manage Draws tab within the Qryptal interface (if the tab is not visible then you will need to enable Contests for that project: see this).
  2. Fill the create draw dialog:

  3. Now when you create the draw, the system will pick the draw entries based on the criteria above. It will also give you a summary.
  4. After that just do the following to run the draw:

That's it! Every week it would take you a few minutes to run the draw.

You can try the above by creating a free trial account here. For any help - just click on the Support tab.

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